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Clare Curran stories

Clare Curran, a prominent figure in New Zealand politics, is well recognised for her considerable expertise and passionate advocacy in matters concerning information and communication technology (ICT), digital economy, and media. Covering an extensive range of ICT issues, Curran's interests and policy critique span from enhancing rural broadband access to demanding transparency and accountability in government digital initiatives. She is a vocal advocate for better broadband services across New Zealand, scrutinising government deals with telecom companies and pushing for substantial improvements in internet accessibility for rural communities.

Her advocacy doesn't stop at broadband; Curran's portfolio mirrors her dedication to advancing New Zealand's digital landscape on all fronts. She has called for the appointment of a Chief Technology Officer to guide the nation’s digital strategy, criticised inadequate cyber security measures within public institutions, and proffered solutions to close the digital divide. Notable too, is Curran’s commitment to public broadcasting, expressing concerns over funding cuts and the resultant effects on media diversity. Throughout her career, Curran has demonstrated unwavering commitment to fostering a digital environment that is accessible, secure, and competitive, promoting policies aimed at ensuring New Zealanders from all walks of life can benefit from the digital age.

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Government launches digital procurement processes for IT spending
Thu, 9th Aug 2018
nz government
it procurement
digital marketplace
New Zealand's government launches Marketplace, a transformative digital procurement platform, to streamline IT spending and support local SMEs.
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NZTech programme aims to encourage more young girls into tech
Tue, 22nd May 2018
girls in stem
NZTech's ShadowTech 2018 pairs girls with female mentors in the IT sector for a day to tackle the gender imbalance and inspire future tech careers.
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Otago experts to work with Government on AI framework
Mon, 7th May 2018
data analytics
University of Otago's AI experts invited by NZ government to develop AI and predictive analytics framework #ArtificialIntelligence #NewZealand.
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Clare Curran targeted in Facebook impersonation; warns Kiwis to be vigilant
Mon, 23rd Apr 2018
nz government
New Zealand Minister Clare Curran becomes a target of Facebook impersonation and urges Kiwis to report suspicious activity to CERT NZ and boost online security.
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Government widens CTO search despite more than 60 applicants
Thu, 15th Feb 2018
digital economy and digital inclusion advisory group
New Zealand government widens search for chief technology officer as minister Clare Curran says they haven't found the right person.
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Government report shines light on NZ's digital divide
Wed, 6th Dec 2017
digital divide
Curran says the previous government didn’t make the report public until after the election as it exposed the digital divide in New Zealand.
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Labour scoffs at KiwiRail's cyber security fail
Wed, 17th Feb 2016
labour party
Labour Party criticises KiwiRail's cyber security, saying the test website was left open to the public allowing free bookings.
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Labour slams Govt. rural broadband scheme
Thu, 22nd Oct 2015
rural broadband initiative
Labour criticizes the Govt's flawed rural broadband scheme, as regions struggle with dismal internet access, stifling growth.
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Labour: Rural broadband initiative 'massive policy failure'
Mon, 6th Jul 2015
labour party
rural broadband initiative
Labour condemns the Government's rural broadband initiative, calling it a massive policy failure and criticising a planned additional NZD $150 million spend.
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'National's negative attitude to public broadcasting is baffling' - Labour
Fri, 29th May 2015
nz on air
Labour accuses National government of cutting public broadcasting funding, resulting in lowest level in NZ history.
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John Key's chickens on notice over official information requests
Tue, 16th Dec 2014
labour party
official information request
Labour calls out systemic abuse of info requests, setting stage for Ombudsman's review to challenge New Zealand government's transparency.
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Labour calls out John Key over phone and internet price hikes
Fri, 12th Dec 2014
Labour ICT spokesperson Clare Curran says John Key can’t duck the blame for internet and phone price increases.
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National 'finally wakes up' to rural broadband issues
Wed, 27th Aug 2014
New Zealand's new $150m rural broadband fund must be truly contestable and not a slush fund for large telcos, warns Labour ICT spokesperson Clare Curran.
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'Slow, sluggish, not sweet at all'... Labour slams broadband
Tue, 5th Aug 2014
Rural communities, frustrated by slow and unstable broadband, have been delivered a two fingered salute by Steven ‘Everything’s Sweet' Joyce.
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Is taxpayer cash being used to plug Chorus' copper hole?
Mon, 21st Jul 2014
Chorus accused of using taxpayer money intended for fibre network to plug revenue gaps, says Labour’s ICT spokesperson.
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Labour slams Govt's millon-dollar tech start-up u-turn...
Wed, 16th Jul 2014
Govt's U-turn on tech start-up funding, days after criticising Labour's similar plan, sparks calls of 'shamelessness' from critics.
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Would a Labour CTO lead a ‘Digital Upgrade’ in NZ?
Thu, 10th Jul 2014
Labour plans to create the position of Chief Technology Officer to advise the Prime Minister and Cabinet on ICT issues.
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Is Govt's 'mismanaged' Windows XP migration costing taxpayers millions?
Tue, 8th Jul 2014
Labour's ICT spokesperson accuses Peter Dunne of mismanaging the outdated computer systems in the public service, leading to increased security risks.
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State-funded Chorus fibre plans nothing more than a PR stunt?
Sat, 14th Jun 2014
social media
Chorus urged to extend #Gigatown prize as UltraFast Fibre offers its own gigabit service. Plans branded as a publicity stunt.
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Key ducks but can’t avoid High Court Chorus slap
Thu, 17th Apr 2014
commerce commission
The High Court's decision forces John Key's government to accept the Commerce Commission's pricing for copper, despite pushback and industry fears.