Core Education stories

New educational game to boost construction skills shortage
Thu, 16th May 2019
digital entertainment
The game has been designed to give future business people and construction workers a taste of what it’s like to build their own company.

Te reo digital literacy essential for equitable future
Wed, 31st May 2017
core education
te reo māori
Ministry of Education focuses on te reo and digital literacy to revive indigenous language and prepare for tech-driven future.

You're invited: Get looped in on latest ideas in education
Thu, 18th May 2017
core education
children's commissioner
LoopEd 2017 could be a great opportunity for Wellington educators looking for some professional development, and some mid-year inspiration.

The call goes out to educators ready to inspire at uLearn
Thu, 11th May 2017
core education
Take the chance to inspire others this year. What have you had success with? What hasn't worked? What are you keen to explore and discuss with others?.

Rethinking a core element of education: the space itself
Thu, 27th Apr 2017
core education
learning spaces
New Zealand educators to revolutionise learning by tailoring spaces for diversity, aiming for inclusivity at the Changing Spaces event.

YOU'RE INVITED: uLearn P2P - The 'Making' of our future inventors
Thu, 1st Sep 2016
3d printing
core education
Technology that was once limited to industry organisations is now becoming affordable for schools, which is causing monumental changes.

CORE Education & Jade Software growing ideas through He Kakano
Thu, 28th Jul 2016
core education
jade software
CORE Education has adopted Jade Software's Thinkubator programme to fuel creative thinking and a 'visible, sustainable culture of innovation' in NZ.

Free professional learning with Connected Educator initiative
Tue, 13th Oct 2015
core education
NetSafe joins the Connected Educator initiative to promote online safety resources for teachers. Open until 16 October.

CENZ aims to help Kiwi educators get on top of tech
Mon, 28th Sep 2015
Beginning on 28 September, CENZ15 has been designed to help educators broaden their approach to professional learning.

New website to help teachers talk sex and gender with students
Wed, 23rd Sep 2015
core education
ministry of social development
RainbowYOUTH launches free classroom resource to increase understanding of sex, gender and sexuality diversity in New Zealand.

Your invitation: ULearn Permission to Play
Tue, 25th Aug 2015
ar, vr & metaverse
CORE Education's popular ULearn educators' conference is back for 2015, pushing the boundaries of educational possibility and showcasing new tech.

How maker culture activates innovation in Kiwi classrooms
Mon, 17th Aug 2015
core education
'Maker culture' is gaining ground as a tool to activate creative learning and innovation within the classroom, according to CORE Education.

Problem solving in a modern world
Tue, 28th Apr 2015
core education
Core Education is hosting an event this June for educators who are focused on how to create a learning experience that suits the modern world.

Top ten technology trends impacting NZ schools
Thu, 23rd Apr 2015
core education
Core Education has identified ten key digital technology trends, within key areas of change, that are impacting all aspects of education in NZ.

Core Education looks to empower Maori with e-learning
Tue, 21st Apr 2015
core education
At the beginning of next month, Core Education is hosting an event called, ‘Modern Pathways to Raising Maori Achievement’.

CORE leads global ‘sustainable educational solutions’ for Christchurch schools
Fri, 6th Mar 2015
ministry of education
CORE Education is leading the design of New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, a three year initiative that aims to enhance learning within schools.

CORE and NetSafe to support Safer Internet Day 2015
Mon, 9th Feb 2015
core education
Safer Internet Day is celebrated worldwide to encourage the safe and positive use of the internet and digital technologies among children and young people.

CORE Education to lead NZ Learning Technologies Advisory
Fri, 12th Dec 2014
core education
CORE Education to spearhead NZ's Learning Technologies Advisory, enhancing e-learning in schools with digital tech and broadband.

Join NZ and global educators online this October to connect, collaborate and learn together
Mon, 15th Sep 2014
core education
Join educators worldwide in October for Connected Educator Month, an online blend of forums, webinars, and collaborative learning.

Grants assist e-learning for Maori students
Thu, 4th Jul 2013
core education
te reo māori
Grants to help advance Maori education and e-learning have been awarded to five schools from across New Zealand by Core Education.