E3 stories - Page 2

EA Games at E3 2015
Sat, 20th Jun 2015
eb games
EA dazzles at E3 with Star Wars Battlefront, unfurls Mass Effect: Andromeda and courts diversity with FIFA 16's female teams.

Sony may have won E3 2015 with epic announcements
Tue, 16th Jun 2015
digital entertainment
Sony dazzles at E3 2015, unleashing long-awaited The Last Guardian, a Shenmue III Kickstarter, and a full FFVII remake. Fans are ecstatic.

Microsoft announces big things for Xbox One at E3 2015
Tue, 16th Jun 2015
digital entertainment
Microsoft had an amazing E3 2015 earlier today announcing a lot of blockbuster things for the Xbox One console.

Bethesda starts E3 2015 with a bang
Mon, 15th Jun 2015
The world’s greatest entertainment expo, E3, started with an explosion of blood and gibs courtesy of publishing powerhouse Bethesda.

Fallout 4 confirmed to be out later this year
Mon, 15th Jun 2015
digital entertainment
Bethesda stuns with a Nov 10 release for eagerly awaited Fallout 4 at E3, confirming new features and a Boston setting.

Forza Motorsport 6 is Xbox One exclusive with all-new Ford GT
Tue, 13th Jan 2015
digital entertainment
Microsoft and Turn 10 have announced Forza Motorsport 6 which will be released exclusively for the Xbox One console.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition revealed
Mon, 16th Jun 2014
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's Collector's Edition dazzles with a hand-painted Geralt figure, setting new highs in gaming luxury.

Game Console @E3 - Day Three
Mon, 16th Jun 2014
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
Jet-lagged but jubilant, Darren Price wraps up E3 with high-flying action in Far Cry 4, a sneak peek at Halo's future, and The Witcher 3's awe.

Game Console @E3 - Day Two
Thu, 12th Jun 2014
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
At E3, Sunset Overdrive impresses, Nintendo woos with Yoshi's Woolly World, and Forza Horizon 2 promises fun. Darren Price reports on Day 2's hits.

Game Console @ E3 - Day One
Wed, 11th Jun 2014
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
E3 Expo day one dazzles with Civilization: Beyond Earth unveiling and hands-on with the eagerly awaited Destiny. Darren Price reports.

Sony announces impressive PlayStation lineup at E3...
Wed, 11th Jun 2014
digital entertainment
Sony wows at E3 with a stellar PlayStation lineup including LittleBigPlanet 3, The Last of Us Remastered, and a peek at Uncharted 4.

Microsoft announces huge holiday lineup for Xbox One and Xbox 360
Tue, 10th Jun 2014
digital entertainment
At E3, Microsoft unveils a massive Xbox One and 360 holiday lineup, featuring Halo: The Master Chief Collection and more.

Ubisoft uncovers its E3 2014 lineup
Mon, 26th May 2014
digital entertainment
Ubisoft teases its E3 2014 lineup, with Aisha Tyler hosting and live streams for global fans. Expect Assassin’s Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, and surprises.

What to watch for at E3
Tue, 29th May 2012
digital entertainment
We run through the titles we're most interested in hearing more about at next week's massive gaming convention.

E3 Nintendo Round-up
Mon, 20th Jun 2011
digital entertainment
At E3, Nintendo wowed with the Zelda orchestration, pledged depth with the Wii U, and aimed to please both hardcore and casual gamers.

No DVDs or Blu-Ray for Wii U?
Thu, 16th Jun 2011
digital entertainment
Nintendo's Wii U won't support DVD or Blu-Ray playback, citing widespread existing access and cost concerns, amid speculation of workarounds.

E3 Sony Round-up
Wed, 15th Jun 2011
digital entertainment
For Microsoft, E3 was all about its motion controller, Kinect. With Sony it was all about Move and 3D gaming. Well, mostly.

Eve Online comes to PS3...sort of
Fri, 10th Jun 2011
digital entertainment
Eve Online's universe expands to PS3 with Dust 514, merging MMO and FPS genres in an unprecedented cross-platform venture.

E3 Round-up: Microsoft keynote
Thu, 9th Jun 2011
digital entertainment
At E3, Microsoft showcased Kinect with finesse, revealed first looks at key multi-platform titles, and promised exclusive early DLC for Modern Warfare 3.

PS Vita unveiled at E3
Wed, 8th Jun 2011
digital signage
digital entertainment
Sony rebounds with the PlayStation Vita at E3, showcasing its innovative touch capabilities and Wi-Fi/3G models, alongside unique games and apps.