Eastland Group stories

Electric Village to open in Gisborne - NZ’s first energy hub
Fri, 27th Oct 2017
datacentre infrastructure
power / energy
Flick will also power the region’s first fast charging electric vehicle station which will be located on the main street outside the hub.

Electrifying the pacific coast: Eastland Group doubles their funding for EV highway
Wed, 16th Aug 2017
eastland group
Government funding of $251,000 will be used to build a network of electric vehicle chargers in the East Coast region of New Zealand.

Gisborne is the unlikely New Zealand town embracing emerging technologies
Wed, 9th Aug 2017
datacentre infrastructure
power / energy
Gisborne gears up for a green future as it welcomes the groundbreaking Electric Village, a hub for cutting-edge energy tech.