Film Festival stories

Adobe software used by 82% of Sundance Festival films
Fri, 24th Jan 2020
film festival
Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most popular film editing tools used by top movie studios, according to data recently released by Adobe.

Taika Waititi and Spark to host a new NZ film festival
Fri, 6th Apr 2018
digital entertainment
Taika Waititi teams up with Spark to launch the Tall Shorts Film Festival, a unique vertical-format event for mobile storytelling. Winner takes GBP £10,000.

The drone film festival is coming to a city near you
Wed, 4th Oct 2017
film festival
The Drone Film Festival Australia and New Zealand is set to take flight, showcasing nearly 40 short films shot by drones.

Kiwi VR film featured at New York film festival
Tue, 19th Sep 2017
ar, vr & metaverse
film festival
The Future of Storytelling event in New York will put AR/VR retellings of James Hurman's The Boy and the Lemon in the spotlight.

Drone film festival coming to ANZ
Fri, 14th Jul 2017
film production
film festival
Spectacular aerial cinema takes flight as the Drone Film Festival ANZ descends on 11 cities with prizes galore, launching in Darwin.