Global Impact Visas stories

EHF Fellow creating a global model for blockchain policy from New Zealand
Wed, 27th Sep 2017
edmund hillary fellowship
New Zealand has a clean slate on blockchain policy and a history of being forward-leaning, nimble, technology-savvy, and open to new ideas.

Former SpaceX employee accelerating NZ companies solving the world’s problems
Thu, 7th Sep 2017
Scott Nolan looks for founders with a unique view of the world, deep internal motivation, and a level of rigour driven by their own expectations.

Edmund Hillary Fellowship opens applications for second cohort
Mon, 21st Aug 2017
edmund hillary fellowship
global impact visas
NZ's Edmund Hillary Fellowship invites global innovators to its 2nd cohort, nurturing impact ventures with unique Global Impact Visas.

24 innovators selected to apply for entrepreneur visa through fellowship programme
Fri, 21st Jul 2017
skills gap
edmund hillary fellowship
global impact visas
The group selected by EHF are part of the first cohort in a three-year programme run in partnership with Immigration New Zealand.

Kiwi startup co-founder selected in first cohort for entrepreneur visa
Thu, 13th Jul 2017
edmund hillary fellowship
global impact visas
Offcut's Dan Price among first to snag a 'world-leading' entrepreneur visa, joining the elite Edmund Hillary Fellowship.

Applications conclude for first round of entrepreneurial work visa pilot
Tue, 2nd May 2017
immigration new zealand
edmund hillary fellowship
The Global Impact Visa is a three-year open work visa allowing entrepreneurs to work and live in New Zealand, limited to 400 applicants.