Grand Theft Auto stories

Game review: Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox Series X)
Thu, 31st Mar 2022
digital entertainment
Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V has been polished up once again for the latest generation of consoles, but is it worth the investment?.

Red Dead Redemption 2 & GTA V are 'record breakers'
Fri, 31st Jan 2020
digital entertainment
Red Dead Redemption 2 has apparently achieved a new benchmark as Rockstar’s top-selling title of the last four years.

Harry Potter gets his violence on
Fri, 10th Apr 2015
digital entertainment
grand theft auto
Daniel Radcliffe swaps wands for gamepads to portray the creator of Grand Theft Auto in a new BBC drama, courting controversy.

The Warehouse and Noel Leeming praised for 'family friendly values'
Tue, 25th Nov 2014
digital entertainment
noel leeming
The Warehouse and Noel Leeming ditch R18 games and DVDs, hailed for prioritising family values by Family First NZ.

PS4 and Xbox One Grand Theft Auto V launch trailer surfaces
Tue, 11th Nov 2014
digital entertainment
Grand Theft Auto V will hit the PS4 and Xbox One consoles next week, so Rockstar Games has now released the launch trailer to heighten the anticipation.

GTA V to launch on PC from March 12?
Fri, 10th Jan 2014
digital entertainment
Rumours suggest GTA V's PC debut set for 12 March, raising eyebrows over its midweek release and source credibility. More updates to follow.

GTA V to break 30 million unit mark
Thu, 9th Jan 2014
digital entertainment
Grand Theft Auto has always been a great seller in the gaming world and now it looks as if Rockstar has been taken aback by how well GTA V has sold.

GTA V – PC petition passes over 400,000
Thu, 19th Sep 2013
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
Over 400,000 fans petition for GTA V PC release, challenging Rockstar's console-only stance amidst hopes of modded gameplay freedom.

One day in... GTA V already causing trouble
Tue, 17th Sep 2013
digital entertainment
So GTA V finally released yesterday on PS3 and Xbox 360, but instead of the murder and gratuitous violence causing issues it is a review...

If GTA V is coming to PC and next-gen, it must already exist?
Mon, 16th Sep 2013
digital entertainment
grand theft auto
Rumours swirl that GTA V's PC and next-gen versions could exist, aiming for a 2013/early 2014 release, given architecture similarities.

8-year-old boy kills Gran after playing GTA
Mon, 26th Aug 2013
digital entertainment
grand theft auto
In a chilling incident, an 8-year-old in Louisiana shot his grandmother dead after playing GTA, sparking debates on gaming and child access to guns.

Is GTA 5 coming to PC?
Wed, 14th Aug 2013
digital entertainment
Nvidia hints GTA 5's PC arrival amidst a gaming market boom, with excitement building for major titles and PC gaming revenue soaring.

GTA5 NYC ad forgets Xbox 360 version
Wed, 7th Aug 2013
digital entertainment
Rockstar's NYC ad for GTA5 highlights PS3 but omits Xbox 360 version, sparking curiosity over a potential Sony publicity deal.

GTA V secrets leaked...
Fri, 31st May 2013
digital entertainment
Leaked GTA V secrets reveal vibrant colours and realistic water, with combat as gory as ever. Details emerged from a deleted Reddit AMA session.

Rockstar reveals GTA V features...
Fri, 3rd May 2013
digital entertainment
If Grand Theft Auto V was ever not the most highly-anticipated game of 2013, the new information that keeps leaking out has certainly made it so.

GTA V release date revealed
Fri, 1st Feb 2013
digital entertainment
After months of waiting we finally have a release date for Grand Theft Auto V, unfortunately it means we now have even more months of waiting.

Rockstar reveals GTA V details
Wed, 30th Jan 2013
digital entertainment
An interview with Rockstar’s Dan Houser has revealed further details about much anticipated crime simulator Grand Theft Auto V.

San Andreas hits North America but not NZ
Tue, 11th Dec 2012
digital entertainment
grand theft auto
The best-selling Playstation 2 game of all time is scheduled to come to the Playstation Network in North America today.

PC petition for GTV V hits 100,000 signatures
Fri, 30th Nov 2012
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
Over 100,000 signatures flood a petition demanding GTV V's release on PC, showcasing gamers' sheer determination for inclusion.

GTA goes iOS and Android
Thu, 22nd Nov 2012
digital entertainment
Gamers can experience the brutal world of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the first time on iOS and Android platforms next month.