Hi-Tech Awards stories - Page 3

NZ tech innovators perform strongly
Wed, 16th Dec 2009
hi-tech awards
NZ tech shines globally, with 51 firms in Deloitte Fast 500. Amid recession, this marks a significant leap from last year's 31.

Wales woos hi-tech Kiwis
Wed, 18th Nov 2009
hi-tech awards
Wales is enticing New Zealand's tech SMEs with free rent and consultancy, aiming to ease their European expansion through the innovative Access Wales project.

Digital literacy: meeting our biggest need
Thu, 1st Oct 2009
hi-tech awards
skills gap
NZICT outlines plans to lift New Zealand's ICT skills level, aiming to become the most digitally literate country in the world.

Our digital future
Wed, 1st Jul 2009
NZICT Group aims to make New Zealand the most digitally literate nation by creating an action plan focused on innovation and education.

Programming outside the square
Sun, 1st Feb 2009
university of canterbury
hi-tech awards
flying kiwi
Sir Gilbert Simpson, visionary programmer and recipient of the NZX Flying Kiwi award, credits his success to unorthodox methods and collaboration.

The little Eagle that could
Fri, 15th Feb 2008
hi-tech awards
Trevor Eagle, a visionary in NZ's tech scene, earns a posthumous Flying Kiwi award, celebrated by his family's enduring legacy at Eagle Technology.