TechDay New Zealand - Aotearoa's technology news network

IT professionals stories - Page 9

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Whatever your technology needs, it’s likely Conbrio will have you covered
Mon, 4th Apr 2016
wireless networks
cloud services
conbrio technology group
The range of businesses within the Conbrio network means they can offer solutions that are often unable to be replicated by others.
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Cloud disaster recovery confidence up, but challenges remain
Wed, 9th Mar 2016
private cloud
Confidence in cloud-based disaster recovery is growing, but risks, outages and downtime costs are still posing challenges for enterprises.
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IT professionals: If you do nothing, you may become obsolete
Tue, 23rd Feb 2016
software development
As tech evolves, IT roles transform, warns Fronde's James Valentine. Without upskilling in trends like cloud and DevOps, IT professionals risk obsolescence.
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What can IT professionals learn from the history of flight?
Wed, 27th Jan 2016
The history of flight machines shares parallels with storage architectures, modern application storage needs and datacentres in general.
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Enterprise IoT devices underestimated and under-secured
Fri, 16th Oct 2015
risk & compliance
Alarm over IoT security gap: IT experts claim devices in homes and business are under-protected, despite consumer confidence.
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Fierce competition for IT pros affecting hiring market
Tue, 22nd Sep 2015
it professionals
robert half technology
The demand and supply imbalance that has affected the IT hiring market for years will likely continue into 2016.
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Are we preventing our IT department from helping us be more efficient?
Wed, 9th Sep 2015
it professionals
Organisations want to be able to use their IT to drive business decisions. So how do we free up the IT team so they can support the business?.
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Aussie IT pros - put your work experience towards a masters degree
Thu, 30th Jul 2015
it professionals
it degree
deakin university
A new arrangement between Deakin University and DeakinDigital will see IT professionals in Australia put their work experience towards a Master Degree.
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IT professionals want more support, according to new poll
Tue, 28th Jul 2015
it professionals
Adequate IT support, resources and dealing with outdated or inefficient systems are the biggest challenges facing IT service management professionals.
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ANZ businesses recognising need for protection
Mon, 2nd Mar 2015
physical security
Trend Micro has seen an eightfold increase in enquiries in the ANZ region in 2015, after analysts forecast another big year for data breaches.
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Introducing the New Zealand Excellence in IT Awards...
Thu, 25th Sep 2014
New Zealand's IT excellence to be celebrated with the launch of sector-wide awards at ITx 2014, recognising standout individuals and teams.
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TechEd LIVE: Microsoft NZ urges IT industry to mentor next generation
Fri, 12th Sep 2014
it training
cloud services
Microsoft NZ champions mentoring at TechEd, urging tech pros to guide NZ's next-gen talents for a thriving future in IT.
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Boost for Kiwi students as Microsoft NZ helps hone digital skills
Tue, 1st Jul 2014
ministry of education
Microsoft NZ's IT Academy boosts Kiwi students' digital skills, earning them special recognition at Parliament from Education Minister Hekia Parata.
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IT jobs in NZ... What's in demand?
Thu, 26th Jun 2014
New IT projects fuel demand for business analysts and enterprise architects in New Zealand, with wages in these roles up 10-15%, says Robert Walters' report.
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Your Invite: IT Service Management Forum heads to Wellington
Wed, 26th Mar 2014
digital entertainment
software development
This year the IT Service Management Forum New Zealand chapter will be celebrating its 10th annual conference in Wellington. The event takes place May 5-7.
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Tech sector concerned at slip in education standards
Mon, 30th Dec 2013
New Zealand's tech sector is alarmed as the latest OECD PISA survey shows a significant drop in education standards, endangering future competitiveness.
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Check out who's checking you out
Thu, 20th Jun 2013
it professionals
Natural curiosity entices many people to wonder, 'Who’s been viewing my profile?' each day on LinkedIn - now IT professionals have answers.
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Need headspace to think about your IT Service Strategy?
Wed, 17th Apr 2013
itsmf nz
it professionals
Join the IT Service Management Forum (itSMFnz) three-day conference with Keynote presentations, speakers, workshops and social events.
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IT Service Management conference heads to Auckland
Fri, 1st Mar 2013
itsmf nz
it professionals
Come support and participate in the 9th annual itSMFnz National Conference in Auckland, discussing how we manage and deliver better services to our customers.
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Shortage of IT talent to boost salaries in 2013
Wed, 20th Feb 2013
public sector
A shortage of IT talent in New Zealand will lead to higher salaries and multiple job offers for professionals in 2013, says Robert Walters.