LIFX stories

LIFX sneak peek: These lights turn the home into a rainbow of colour
Tue, 13th Aug 2019
led lights
wi-fi lights
There’s nothing like a little more ambient light to decorate your home. In October, LIFX will be back with two new options to light up your life.

Hands-on review: The LIFX Tile's amazing colour combinations
Mon, 5th Aug 2019
digital entertainment
I can creep quietly into bed after a late night on my computer, without disturbing my significant other. No more bashed big toes for me!.

Hands-on review: LIFX A60+ LED Smart Light brightens the day
Thu, 27th Jun 2019
smart home
LIFX A60+ smart bulb dazzles with colour, mood settings & app ease, enhancing homes sans hub. #SmartLighting #Review.