Maori in tech stories

Te Tumu Paeroa signs landmark deal with Microsoft NZ cloud region
Tue, 7th May 2024
ai agents
Te Tumu Paeroa, the Māori Trustee office, partners with Microsoft, forging a revolutionary digital strategy that seeks to deepen landowners' connection with their land, enable swift recovery from major weather events, and advance solutions to key issues like climate change.

Isentia unveils Te Reo Māori speech recognition in media monitoring service
Thu, 5th Oct 2023
maori in tech
Isentia unveils revolutionary speech recognition feature that can identify and translate Te Reo Mori programming. #IndigenousLanguages #AI.

Māori data specialists not consulted on facial recognition technology - data sovereignty expert
Thu, 28th Jul 2022
data analytics
Māori data specialists are accusing the government of ignoring them while going ahead and expanding the reach of facial recognition technology.

Māori and cyber safety - Examining an unsafe online climate and the need for action
Mon, 30th May 2022
Aotearoa's cybersecurity initiatives are failing to protect Māori communities from online risks and discrimination, leading to calls for change.

Govt creates roadmap for growth in NZ's tech sector
Mon, 14th Feb 2022
software development
skills gap
nz government
The digital technology sector is now one of the country’s top earners, contributing an estimated $6.6 billion to the economy in 2019.

It's time for Kiwis to define the meaning of digital identity in Aotearoa
Thu, 28th Oct 2021
nz government
New Zealand has introduced a pivotal bill to regulate digital identity, aiming to enhance trust and security in online services, while embracing Māori values.

Researchers to examine Māori perspectives on ethical data management
Thu, 1st Oct 2020
data science
university of waikato
University of Waikato professors secure funding for research on Māori approaches to privacy and governance in the digital environment.

Kōkiri & Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to support Māori startups
Wed, 22nd Jan 2020
maori in tech
te wananga o aotearoa
Kōkiri partners with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and MYOB to bolster Māori startups with a three-month programme, enhancing business skills and market readiness.

'Iwi Algorithm' can grow Aotearoa's mana
Mon, 25th Mar 2019
maori in tech
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei's Te Aroha Grace champions an 'Iwi Algorithm' to embed cultural values into AI, aiming to boost Aotearoa's mana and holistic growth.

Spark strengthen ties with Māori Language Commission
Thu, 29th Nov 2018
te reo māori
The two have signed a mahi tahi Memorandum of Understanding for Spark to continue providing digital support for the promotion of te reo Māori.

Tā Koha: The new crowdfunding programme for Māori businesses
Mon, 27th Aug 2018
digital transformation
Tā Koha will support Māori business and social ventures that wish to use ‘crowd power’ or whanau supporters to fund the kaupapa they care about most.

DIGMYIDEA Māori Innovation Challenge winners reach for the stars
Tue, 10th Jul 2018
maori in tech
The DIGMYIDEA Māori Innovation Challenge has concluded for 2018, with two winning teams taking away $10,000 worth of business startup and support packages.

Kōkiri helps Māori entrepreneurs redefine business success
Mon, 9th Jul 2018
financial systems
accounting systems
Māori Kōkiri accelerator fosters socially sustainable ventures, embracing cultural values and attracting investors.

Maori business leaders recognised in UoA Awards
Mon, 7th May 2018
auckland university
maori in tech
Māori business talents were honoured in this year's University of Auckland Aotearoa Māori Business Leaders Awards, celebrating innovation and leadership.

Nominations open for Akl Uni’s Maori Business Leaders Awards
Tue, 20th Feb 2018
auckland university
maori in tech
This is an opportunity to recognise the massive contributions made by Māori business leaders – both individuals and organisations.

Fresh injection for Maori digital tech fund
Fri, 9th Feb 2018
government funding
maori in tech
ka hao
Māori Digital Tech Fund receives a fresh GBP £3.6 million boost, aiming to grow digital capabilities and create high-value jobs for Māori in NZ.

Success with te reo app means more resources are coming
Tue, 9th May 2017
massey university
te reo māori
maori in tech
James Porter and team have launched a successful te reo app, 'He aha tēnei?', with more resources on the way, helping children learn Māori language and culture.

Massey grad encourages more Maori into digital pathways
Tue, 2nd May 2017
massey university
maori in tech
Massey University graduate Dan Walker wants to see more Māori participation in the tech industry, using a tikanga Māori framework.

Advisory group named for Māori ICT Development
Tue, 27th Oct 2015
maori in tech
Eight people appointed to Māori ICT Development Fund Expert Advisory Group to support Māori economic development.