NZEI Te Riu Roa stories

Was education sector shortchanged by shortsighted budget?
Mon, 29th May 2017
nzei te riu roa
Concerns of a lack of investment in digital fluency and funding resound around a disappointed New Zealand Education sector.

Education Minister announces funding to draw STEM teachers
Wed, 17th May 2017
ministry of education
labour party
Education Minister Nikki Kaye has announced a $5.2 million funding boost for Teach First NZ to train more teachers in STEM subjects.

Greens praised for stance on Te Reo Māori in schools
Wed, 1st Feb 2017
green party
te reo māori
nzei te riu roa
The Greens receive praise for their goal of every NZ child learning Te Reo Māori at school, but more work and investment are needed, say industry players.

NZ ranks high in literacy levels
Thu, 10th Mar 2016
nzei te riu roa
NZ shines on global stage with top five ranking in world literacy levels, hailing a more nuanced approach to measuring literacy for future societies.

Public schools missing out in wake of Charter schools $60,000 bonus
Mon, 29th Feb 2016
technology in the classroom
nzei te riu roa
Getting more digital devices, teacher aides and supporting costs of outdoor activities could have been paid for with the charter school bonuses.

Kiwi teachers top professionalism report - calls to scrap charter schools follow
Mon, 15th Feb 2016
nzei te riu roa
new zealand principals’ federation
Kiwi teachers rank in the top four for professionalism, according to an OECD study, with only Russia, Estonia and Singapore scoring higher.

Is the TPPA a threat to our public education system?
Thu, 4th Feb 2016
nzei te riu roa
New Zealand's public education system is under threat from the TPPA, says National secretary of NZ Educational Institute.

Educators need to get involved in Education Act review
Fri, 6th Nov 2015
nzei te riu roa
New Zealand educators are being urged to contribute to the review of the Education Act to ensure quality, free public education.

Latest Wikileak shows NZ education under threat, says NZEI
Fri, 5th Jun 2015
nzei te riu roa
NZEI is urging the NZ Government to come clean about the details of the latest Wikileak on the Trade is Service Agreement.

No pay rises for educators in Budget 2015?
Mon, 25th May 2015
nzei te riu roa
Educators might not see salary increases as Budget 2015 makes little provision for pay rises, says New Zealand Educational Institute.

Remedial work in store for Novopay
Fri, 14th Mar 2014
Minister Steven Joyce says changes to the Novopay Service Centre model will simplify the resolution of payroll and HR issues.

PaCT sent packing by teachers
Wed, 19th Jun 2013
ministry of education
Leading teaching associations have rejected the Government's plan to make the PaCT mandatory by 2015, citing concerns over teaching quality and professionalism.