Ryse: Son of Rome stories

Xbox One’s Ryse arrives on PC
Tue, 21st Oct 2014
digital entertainment
ryse: son of rome
Following hot on the heels of Dead Rising 3, yet another day-one Xbox One release, Ryse: Son of Rome, makes the transition to the PC.

Ten Days of Ryse: Son of Rome Discounts
Tue, 18th Feb 2014
digital entertainment
Get ready to return to ancient Rome in Ryse: Son of Rome's new add-on, Mars' Chosen Pack, featuring new maps and a brand-new cooperative Survival Mode.

DLC for Ryse: Son of Rome announced
Tue, 5th Nov 2013
digital entertainment
Microsoft and Crytek announce four add-on packs for “Ryse: Son of Rome” with multiplayer maps, armour, weapons, and more.