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Spying stories - Page 2

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Dotcom GCSB ruling… a sad day for NZ
Fri, 30th Aug 2013
green party
It's a sad day for the people of New Zealand when government spies can break the law and not be held to account for it.
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Is the writing on the wall for US spying?
Fri, 12th Jul 2013
Kim Dotcom's projection on US embassy in Berlin condemns American surveillance, likening NSA to East Germany's Stasi.
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NZ spies carry damaging disguise
Fri, 12th Jul 2013
personal computing devices
NZ plans to extend spy laws spark fears of unchecked surveillance and privacy invasion, questioning the morality of mass data collection.
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Facebook slams NZ spying law
Thu, 11th Jul 2013
data privacy
personal computing devices
Social networking giant seeks an exemption over government proposals which could see over two million Kiwis spied on by authorities.
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Five Eyes, Spies and Govt lies…Dotcom speaks
Fri, 14th Jun 2013
personal computing devices
Kim Dotcom expresses concerns over government surveillance and supports Edward Snowden in his latest column for The Guardian.
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Tech giants: 'Let us prove we're innocent'
Thu, 13th Jun 2013
personal computing devices
Microsoft, Google and Facebook call for greater transparency as companies deny any involvement in US government surveillance program.
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Rihanna sex tape? And you're scammed
Thu, 18th Apr 2013
email security
Empty promises of Rihanna sex tape hit Facebook users for six, but 'stalker' views account for biggest scams on social networking site.
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Labour demands Govt inquiry over Huawei handling
Tue, 9th Oct 2012
After U.S. officials accused the company of bribery and spying, opposition party questions the Chinese firm's share of the $1.35 billion UFB rollout.
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U.S. issues Huawei phone warning
Mon, 8th Oct 2012
physical security
data privacy
U.S. officials caution firms against Huawei, citing potential security risks; Huawei dismisses claims, asserting its global trustworthiness and integrity.
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Fibre Watch: To Sydney, via Beijing?
Thu, 6th Oct 2011
advanced persistent threat protection
network infrastructure
southern cross cable
Concerns about Chinese involvement in a second trans-Tasman submarine fibre cable spark debate over potential espionage risks versus economic necessity.