Sundance Film Festival stories

Adobe plans innovative audio editing update for Premiere Pro
Wed, 17th Jan 2024
digital entertainment
Adobe introduces an intelligent audio experience in its Premiere Pro software beta version, promising to speed up editing and facilitate workflows ahead of the 2024 Sundance Film Festival.

Adobe software used by 82% of Sundance Festival films
Fri, 24th Jan 2020
film festival
Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most popular film editing tools used by top movie studios, according to data recently released by Adobe.

Its a Wonderful (and big) Life
Wed, 1st Sep 2010
new york times
sundance film festival
The convenors of YouTube’s ‘Life in a Day’ project now have a mammoth task on their hands: editing more than 4500 hours of footage.

Ridley Scott seeks wannabe YouTube directors
Thu, 8th Jul 2010
sundance film festival
Ridley Scott has made an open call to all budding directors to contribute to his new YouTube project, 'Life in a Day'.