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Teradata stories - Page 4

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Hybrid cloud use cases with Teradata’s new Everywhere offering
Tue, 24th Oct 2017
public cloud
cloud services
Not all clouds are equal, so these use cases can be leveraged with the public cloud as well as a private or managed cloud option.
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80% businesses already investing in AI - all expecting huge ROI
Sat, 14th Oct 2017
it automation
Terdata has released the findings of its report that shows AI's rampant rise amongst businesses and the creation of a new job role - chief AI officer.
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Scared of the cloud? Here’s why you should embrace it, not fear it
Mon, 25th Sep 2017
cloud security
cloud services
Many organizations fear security breaches and cyber attacks in the cloud, hindering their adoption of data cloud services, says Teradata.
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Why artificial intelligence needs big data to deliver business benefits
Fri, 1st Sep 2017
data analytics
Big data may be the missing piece of the puzzle as to how businesses can profit from AI and machine learning, according to insights from Teradata.
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OZ #1 in the world in IoT with majority of enterprises wanting bigger budgets
Thu, 18th May 2017
data analytics
Australia ranks number one in the world when it comes to Internet of Things (IoT) adoption, followed by India and Germany.
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Teradata announces new platforms to meet SSD demand
Tue, 4th Apr 2017
ssd storage
With the massive growth in data, companies depend on trusted analytics to turn that data into valuable and timely insights.
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Social media takes over TV as key influencer of consumers
Thu, 16th Feb 2017
digital marketing
social media
Social media has overtaken TV as the key influencer in consumer decision making, according to a report by Teradata.
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Data and analytics: Too difficult to understand?
Thu, 1st Dec 2016
data analytics
Data and analytics can derive significant value for some organisations, however, the concept may be too difficult for some to grasp.
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Survey reveals ANZ organisations evolving to become more data-centric
Wed, 16th Nov 2016
data analytics
data science
ANZ organisations are on their way to becoming data-centric and will eventually leave simple data analytics behind, says Teradata.
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IT's latest buzzword: Analytics of Things?
Thu, 20th Oct 2016
data analytics
Teradata says the Analytics of Things is key for IoT devices to generate value. Data must be analysed to be useful.
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CIOs and the IT department back in front with data projects
Wed, 24th Aug 2016
data analytics
CIOs and IT teams now hold responsibility for data projects in Australia and New Zealand businesses, finds Teradata.
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Realising the full potential of the Internet of Things
Tue, 16th Aug 2016
Organisations that maximise the possibilities of IoT more competitively, with a large-scale focus, will realise IoT and data analysis go hand-in-hand.
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Data analytics the key to overcoming business uncertainty
Wed, 27th Jul 2016
data analytics
Increasing stakeholder demands, regulatory changes, and disruptive competitors are putting businesses at greater risk, according to Teradata.
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Embrace analytics or get left behind, experts warn
Wed, 20th Jul 2016
data analytics
Organisations must let the data tell the story, and not be prejudiced by any preconceptions of what might be causing the business issues in question.
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Centralising admin vital to business success
Thu, 14th Jul 2016
digital marketing
Businesses are being advised to centralise administration tasks to better focus on strategic and creative efforts that contribute to business success.
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Digital marketing risks alienating millennial shoppers, says experts
Mon, 20th Jun 2016
digital marketing
Online customer experience is crucial for retailers trying to attract millennial shoppers, according to Teradata.
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Agility critical for campaign success, says expert
Fri, 3rd Jun 2016
digital marketing
Businesses urged to embrace agile marketing strategies to deliver real-time experiences to customers. #marketingstrategy #agilemarketing.
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Business must become 'sentient' if they want to keep up
Tue, 31st May 2016
data analytics
To achieve the speed and responsiveness required to keep up, businesses must optimise human intervention when it comes to analysing data.
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Move over IoT: Analytics of Things is here
Tue, 24th May 2016
data analytics
The potential of the Internet of Things is underestimated, according to Teradata, who stress the importance of analytics.
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Big data creates need for data scientists, according to expert
Wed, 27th Apr 2016
data analytics
data science
Organisations should consider creating roles for data scientists as big data continues to provide valuable insights, says Teradata.