Wavelink stories - Page 5

Tips for securing wireless networks in the IoT era
Wed, 3rd Aug 2016
iot security
wireless networks
Look up digital disruption in the dictionary and it’s likely you’ll see the Internet of Things (IoT) sitting there proudly as an example.

Smart schools way of the future - and how they improve your learning
Wed, 22nd Jun 2016
extreme networks
Educational institutions will have to take some preliminary measures when implementing a smart school concept into their existing environment.

Wavelink dials up alarm and messaging distie deal
Thu, 16th Jun 2016
Wavelink will be connecting local resellers with a new alarm and messaging opportunity after signing a deal with Sweden's Cobs AB.

Wavelink enables voice support, enhancing productivity for warehouses
Thu, 16th Jun 2016
voice control
Voice capabilities helps support Android as a next-gen mobility solution, along with the suite of mobile enablement to accompany a hardware refresh.

When it comes to wireless networks, security can't be an afterthought
Tue, 17th May 2016
wireless networks
cloud services
Organisations must prioritise security in wireless network deployment to protect against hackers, according to Wavelink's Ilan Rubin.

Extreme Networks signs Wavelink as new local 'wireless mobility specialist'
Tue, 10th May 2016
extreme networks
Wavelink is promising resellers a chance to 'significantly' increase the value of solution sells, following the signing of a new deal with Extreme.

Red Cirrus wins Digium Partner of the Year for ANZ
Wed, 16th Mar 2016
red cirrus services
Wavelink reseller Red Cirrus Services has won Digium Partner of the Year for Australia and New Zealand at the Pinnacle Awards.

Unified communications at the heart of business transformation
Tue, 8th Mar 2016
digital transformation
Emerging technology and unified communications are shaping the workplace of the future, with remote working on the rise, says Wavelink.

Fortinet signs new distie agreement to extend ANZ footprint
Tue, 9th Feb 2016
network infrastructure
network security
Fortinet boosts its ANZ market reach with a new deal, as Wavelink preps to push secure Wi-Fi solutions to multiple sectors.

Dedicated devices: A possible solution to mobility
Wed, 11th Nov 2015
data protection
wireless networks
To protect companies from risks that come with mobility, organisations should consider using dedicated workplace mobile devices, according to Wavelink.

SME mobility: Challenges and solutions
Tue, 30th Jun 2015
Many businesses are turning to mobile unified communications solutions to give employees the flexibility to work when and where they want.

NEC delivers on health upgrade
Mon, 2nd Mar 2015
digital signage
displays & projectors
NEC has backed up a number of major customer wins by supplying Victoria’s redevelopment of Box Hill Hospital with its new core ICT infrastructure.