CFOtech New Zealand - Technology news for CFOs & financial decision-makers
Exclusive: How FUJIFILM continues to evolve and innovate
Tue, 9th Apr 2024

FUJIFILM Business Innovation New Zealand, under the stewardship of David Jupe, Managing Director, marks a significant presence in the country's technological and innovation landscape. With almost 60 years of operation in New Zealand, Fujifilm has evolved from its initial focus on photography to becoming a leader in business solutions and healthcare services. With approximately 700 employees, the company has balanced its efforts between innovative solutions and robust back-office operations.

David Jupe emphasizes the company’s ethos: “We never stop finding ways to help Kiwis work smarter.” This mission resonates through its diverse offerings, from office technology to healthcare imaging. Fujifilm's legacy, deeply rooted in adapting and evolving, has enabled it to navigate the fast-paced changes in technology and customer needs.

The company's approach to innovation is customer-centric, prioritizing solutions that address the actual needs of businesses rather than pushing unnecessary products. This philosophy is evident in their development of services like the IW Pro application set, designed to enhance office technology use. Fujifilm also leverages artificial intelligence in automating workflows and improving back-office efficiency, showcasing its commitment to smarter work practices.

In healthcare, Fujifilm stands out for its advanced imaging solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the company’s agility, as it provided essential services and technologies to the healthcare sector and experienced significant growth. This focus on healthcare is part of a global trend within Fujifilm, emphasizing innovation in service of health and well-being.

A key challenge for businesses today, as Jupe points out, is managing the overwhelming amount of information and integrating various technologies. Fujifilm addresses this by simplifying technology solutions, making them more accessible and relevant to customer needs. The company has shifted from being product-centric to service-oriented, ensuring that its offerings genuinely solve business challenges.

Fujifilm's success is also attributed to its strong partnerships with technology leaders like Samsung, Microsoft, and others, facilitating the development of cutting-edge solutions. These collaborations underscore Fujifilm's commitment to delivering the best outcomes for their customers.

Looking ahead, Fujifilm is focused on deepening its engagement with customers and enhancing its product offerings through direct dialogues with R&D teams in Japan. The company aims to introduce new capabilities tailored to the New Zealand market, further demonstrating its innovative spirit.

The future for FUJIFILM Business Innovation New Zealand is one of continued growth and transformation. By maintaining a customer-first approach and leveraging global insights, Fujifilm is poised to introduce more innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of businesses and the healthcare sector. The journey of FUJIFILM Business Innovation, from an office device manufacturer to a comprehensive solutions provider, reflects its ability to adapt and thrive in a changing world.

As David Jupe succinctly puts it, Fujifilm's goal is to bring more smiles to the world, not just through its photographic heritage but by making a meaningful impact on businesses and the broader community. This vision of adding value and enhancing the lives of Kiwis underpins Fujifilm's operations, driving it towards new horizons of innovation and service excellence.